Birch water and birch sap kvass.
Birch sap, that is also commonly called birch water, is collected in early spring- in March. For use in domestic conditions fresh birch water is the best. Due to the presence of easily absorbable sugars, microelements and other substances birch sap has a general health supporting effect, increases body's resistance, promotes healing of indolent ulcers, relieves arthritic pain and has diuretic properties.
Birch sap, that is also commonly called birch water, is collected in early spring- in March. For use in domestic conditions fresh birch water is the best. Due to the presence of easily absorbable sugars, microelements and other substances birch sap has a general health supporting effect, increases body's resistance, promotes healing of indolent ulcers, relieves arthritic pain and has diuretic properties.
A good way to enjoy birch water is to prepare a
simple and refreshing homemade birch sap kvass.
Birch sap kvass recipe:
1. Heat the birch sap to 35°C
2. Stir in the yeast (ratio 10.15g yeast to 1 L of
birch sap)
3. Seal with airtight lid and place in refrigerator.
Your kvass will be ready in 3-4 days.
This pleasant slightly tart drink can be stored in
refrigerator for up to 4 months.
Birch sap kvass is recommended for support
treatment of hypovitaminosis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, gout, rheumatism,
kidney and bladder stones, flu, anemia and edema. Kvass promotes excretion of
salts of oxalic acid.
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